
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Partly Cloudy

Here is a piece of writing I wrote after watching a short video called Partly Cloudy. We had to try and use adverbs as sentence starters.

Quietly the geese swooped down into the window as the sun slowly rose in the sky. Loudly the cats meowed as they went into the house. The bird raced into the cloud like  a racing car.  Zapp the fluffy cloud gods made babies and toys. The sad black cloud picked up a small piece of cloud and rolled around  until it made a small crocodile. The crocodile bit the geese’s head. The ram bucked  the geese all the way to the house. Spike, spike! The porcupine appeared out of nowhere, pricking the cloud. Sadly the geese left the sad cloud and he began to cry. Happily the geese brought a bag to help him. The cloud was happy again. The new package helped him, giving him armor.

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